- Mr. Titus Veppumthara, age 56, passed away December 18, 2014. Viewing and funeral arrangements were made for December 27th.
- Mrs. Saramma Poikayill sadly passed away Sunday October 12, 2014 at 11:45 am. There was a closed casket funeral service on Saturday October 18. The service was held at the Mar Thoma Church of Greater Washington.
- Mrs. Rachel George (Saro), aged 90, passed away in Kerala on October 3, 2014. Mrs. Rachel George is the mother of our member Mrs. Susan Poulose of the Lanham Bowie prayer group. The funeral was held on Monday, October 6th, 2014 at Emmanuel Mar Thoma Church in Ranni.
- Mr. Skariah John, aged 74, of Ponganamannil House Vellyial Ranni, Kerala, passed away June 30th. Mr. Skariah John is the father of our member Mrs. Annamma Thomas (Mini) of the NOVA prayer group.
- Mr. John Mathew, aged 79, of Kallapurackal passed away June18th, 2014. Mr.John Mathew is the eldest brother of our members Mrs. Saramma Thomas (Lilly), Mr. Jacob Mathew (Thampy), and Mr. Thomas Mathew (Kunjukutty) and brother-in law of Dr. Thomas Ninan.
The Mar Thoma Church of Greater Washington expresses its deepest condolences and sympathies to the bereaved families.
- Jebi and Elizabeth Stephen in Chicago were blessed with a baby girl, Madeline Stephen
Congratulations to the parents and grandparents!
- The Holy Matrimony of Shaema George (D/o Jacob & Asha George) and Leslie Thomas was held on June 28, 2014 at Saint James Roman Catholic Church, New Jersey
Congratulations to the Newly Weds!
New Home
- Congratulations to Mr. Pence Jacob and Mrs. Annie Jacob on their new home located in Rockville, MD!